面对面试主管咄咄逼人的提问,你已经感到紧张万分,只盼能早点结束,根本无暇去提 什么问题,要问也只是泛泛地提一些类似医疗、保险、上下班时间的问题,然后就是一句话——“我没有什么要问的了”,
事实上,接受面试者想对面试单位提的问题应该有很多,而在面试时不提则会给有经验 的面试者留下你太欠缺职业素养的印象,同时也给面试单位决定是否录用你带来很大难度,甚至使你的面试趋于失败,这可就太不值得了;即使录用你,也会由于用人单位对你缺乏事先基本的了解,而造成本来可以避免的机会和资源的浪费。这对你和用人单位 都是时间、效率和精力上的损失,而在此间,作为未明确提出问题的你是要承担主要责任的。
试想,面对就业这样的严肃事件,你都可以不负责任地不闻不问,那么你还能对 该单位的工作抱着什么样的态度呢?如果单位知道你是这样的求职者,怎么敢用你呢? 以下十个问题可能对你有启发:
1) 贵公司经营多角化,对其他事业的投资相当积极,今后将会把焦点放在哪个产业上?
2) 我的专长是在产品研发上,请问研发部门在贵公司占有什么样的地位?
3) 我有计划想要取得某某资格,这个证照对将来公司希望我担任的工作有实质上的帮助吗?
4) 贵公司录用中途转职者的比例大概有多少?
5) 贵公司在人才招募上似乎偏向有经验的求职者,对于没有相关经验的人在录用上会有 什么考虑吗?
6) 刚刚进来的时候看到贵公司的员工都相当年轻,能请教平均年龄大概几岁?
7) 主管的平均年龄是几岁?公司中最年轻的员工是几岁?
8) 贵公司的业绩相当的好,相对的是不是加班的机会也很多?
9) 贵公司在海内外都有营业据点,将来会有外派、轮调的情形吗?
10) 稍后能请您带我参观一下公司吗?
By Caroline Levchuck
Determining your worth is an essential first step in your job search. Once you know the salary you can command, you can decide which jobs fall into your desired range and could be right for you.
Your salary research can also come in handy during the interview process, should the subject of salary come up. And it'll definitely be helpful if you get a job offer and want to negotiate salary.
Use this advice to figure out what your skills and experience are worth to a potential employer. 试试下面的建议,这能帮你计算出你的技能和经验对于潜在雇主来说有多大价值。
Information at Your Fingertips 唾手可得的信息
Your salary expectations should be realistic. 对薪水的期望应该是现实的。
Every position has a general salary range, based on what professionals in that job are currently earning. Research the range for your position before you start your job search.
Look online for the most accessible and up-to-date salary information. Salary Wizard lets you research salary by industry and location. You can find the average U.S. salary for a position, or get more detailed information that takes your experience and employer into account. You should also review the U.S. Department of Labor's “Occupational Outlook Handbook.” It is revised every two years and includes salary data on hundreds of jobs.在中国,很多论坛也有人帖工资的,不防搜索一下。
Go to the Source 追根溯源
Once you've researched the average salary for the job you're seeking, it's then time to go deeper.
You need to consider the job market in your industry as well as the value of unique knowledge and skills you may have.
Talk to people who work in the industry you're targeting. It's not always appropriate to discuss salary -- especially with people you don't know well -- so choose your contacts carefully. If you're working with a recruiter, he should be willing to share salary information. You can also ask advice of a mentor or close friend in the industry.
Finally, online communities and message boards are a useful and anonymous way to research salary. To discuss salary, you can visit one of Yahoo! HotJobs' career communities. 在中国,请多去各大论坛的工作板块寻找此类信息,
Worth Is Subjective 价值是主观的
What you're worth to a potential employer can vary. You may be more valuable to an employer if there's a shortage of people with your skills. You'll also likely be worth more in a market with a labor shortage or in a location with a small number of qualified job seekers.
Because a company will consider candidates with a range of skills and experience, they probably won't decide upon a specific salary for a position. Instead, they'll come up with a range that they're willing to pay.
You should think in terms of a salary range too. Determine the low and high salary that you're most comfortable with. And then assume that you'll probably end up somewhere in the middle.
More Than Simply Salary薪水只是一部分
So you've calculated your worth as an employee in the current market. And you've come up with a salary range that you're comfortable with. But there's one more thing to consider: Benefits (福利).
Understand that your worth to a company is reflected in more than simply your salary. When a company decides what to pay an employee, it counts benefits as part of that compensation.
Companies include health insurance, 401(k) accounts and stock options in employee compensation. They also count perks like car allowances, vacation time and flexible schedules in a prospective employee's compensation package. 在中国,就要注意这家公司有否提供社会保险和住房公积金。
So when you're considering a job, think about the whole compensation and benefits package. And then decide if a company is truly giving you what you're worth.