
时间:2024-01-10 22:28:43 作者:小编 字数:33188字

导读:随着经济社会的进一步发展,城市功能定位进一步明确,商品房引发的租赁合同纠纷更加频繁。 如果因疫情导致合同无法正常履行,责任该如何承担? 合同解除后承租人的装修损失由谁承担? 未提供申请营业执照所需材料是否构成违约? 租赁合同的法律关系应当如何认定?

11月5日,北京市门头沟区法院(以下简称门头沟法院)召开商品房租赁合同纠纷典型案件新闻通气会,介绍2017年以来此类案件的基本情况,分析此类纠纷中的常见问题。 ,提出意见建议,同时发布5个典型案例。 希望大家能够深入了解相关法律规定,明确各方权利和义务,维护自身合法权益。 门头沟法院党组成员、副院长毕芳芳,民事一庭庭长韩晓飞,民事一庭助理审判员潘雷、王瑞涵出席吹风会。 发布会由陈硕主持。 今天的内容摘自通报会文字记录。

近年来,房屋租赁行业快速发展,法院受理的房屋租赁合同纠纷案件不断增加。 其中,商品房租赁合同纠纷增长更为显着。 对此,门头沟法院开展有针对性的专题研究,梳理了该领域商品房租赁涉及的合同订立、履行、终止等相关法律问题,总结了该类案件的基本情况和特点。 同时,为妥善推动商品房租赁合同纠纷解决,针对目前商品房租赁领域存在的突出问题,从法院角度提出一些建议,以引导和促进商品房租赁合同纠纷解决。出租人和承租人应当在法律规定的范围内合理、合法地行使权利。 ,履行义务,维护商品房租赁市场平稳健康发展,进一步优化营商环境,促进区域社会和谐稳定发展。





2016年11月,A公司在微信公众号发布投资信息,打造儿童主题综合服务平台。 11月29日,B公司向A公司租用407室经营婴幼儿水上运动中心,约定租赁期限为“2+3年”。 2019年初,因407室从事0-4岁儿童水上训练,违反国家规定,门头沟区消防大队决定对A公司、B公司给予行政处罚。B公司起诉法院解除租赁合同,并要求A公司赔偿装修损失和经营损失。


出租人应当按照约定将租赁物交付承租人,并在租赁期内保持租赁物符合约定用途。 根据消防部门作出的处罚决定和《建筑消防设计规范》(GB50016-2014)的规定,可以看出,A公司租用的房屋不能作为儿童活动场所, B公司,导致B公司无法实现租赁目的。 《房屋租赁合同》客观上无法继续履行。 根据《房屋租赁合同》,甲公司交付的租赁房屋与合同严重不符,导致乙公司无法正常使用的,乙公司有权解除本合同。 据此,B公司于2019年3月4日向法院提出解除《房屋租赁合同》,符合合同约定。 据此,法院认定,双方房屋租赁合同于2019年3月4日终止。

A公司作为投资公司,明知四楼及以上不能用于少儿培训,但仍利用微信公众号等平台为四、五楼儿童青少年培训招商,并租用房间407给B公司进行儿童培训,违反了法律。 国家强制性规定存在缺陷。 B公司作为专门从事儿童教育培训的机构,应了解其行业相关的法律规定和强制性规定。 其租用A公司四楼开设婴幼儿水上运动中心,从事儿童培训项目,违反国家强制性规定。 根据规定,B公司也存在过错,因此对未能实现合同目的负次要责任。

考虑到双方的过错程度,法院酌情认定A公司对B公司的损失承担70%的责任,B公司对其自身损失承担30%的责任。 A公司应按上述比例赔偿B公司装修残值损失。 关于装修残值的计算期限,根据《房屋租赁合同》,租赁期限为2+3年,B公司可在2年经营期内返还租金,无需扣除押金,B公司已优先续租权等。可以确定2年期满后是否终止租赁合同的选择权属于B公司。只要B公司愿意继续租赁并提出申请A公司应在合同规定的期限内与其签订续租协议。 可见,B公司在签约之初就有了租赁五年的预期,并按照这一预期投入了装修资金。 因此,装修残值应按五年合同期计算。 由于合同终止后B公司继续占用和使用该房屋,故以B公司实际使用经营结束日为评估装修残值的基准日,并据此计算装修损失。


剩余租赁期内装修残值,是指房屋租赁合同在履行期限届满前终止时,剩余租赁期内附属装修物品的剩余价值。 在确定是否赔偿装修损失时,首先要明确合同终止的原因。 需要明确合同终止是由于出租人违约、承租人违约、双方当事人共同违约,还是由于不可归责于双方的原因,从而确定是否赔偿及赔偿金额。 部分。 其次,要明确装修残值,主要是从装修工程成本中扣除履行合同过程中消耗的装修价值确定。 在确定装修残值时,需要明确装修残值的计算期间和残值评估基准日。

装修残值的计算年限按照租赁期限确定。 当事人对合同条款的理解有争议的,应当根据合同中使用的词语、句子、合同的有关条款、合同的目的、交易习惯和原则确定期限。出于善意。 这些术语的真正含义。 装修残值的评估基准日应考虑合同的履行情况,主要根据承租人对租赁物的实际使用期限确定。




2016年7月6日,A公司与B公司签订《租赁合同》,主要约定B公司向A公司租赁1号房,租赁期限为2016年7月6日至2036年7月5日; 用途为办公用途; B公司可以根据自身需要对租赁房屋进行适当改造,但主体结构不能改变。 合同签订后,A公司将1号房移交给B公司,B公司支付租金。 B公司修缮了房屋,装修了内部,并修复了庭院和墙壁。

2017年5月23日,北京市规划委员会作出限期拆迁决定。 1号房属于逾期未限期拆除的临时城建项目,必须限期拆除。 A公司现起诉法院,确认双方签订的房屋租赁合同无效,并要求B公司腾出1号房。B公司提出反诉,要求A公司赔偿装修损失。


未经批准或者未按照批准内容施工的临时建筑,出租人与承租人签订的租赁合同无效。 1号房屋为临时建筑,A公司与B公司签订的房屋租赁合同无效。 出租人同意承租人装修。 合同无效后,出租人不同意折价使用已达成协议的装修物品的,双方应当按照导致合同无效的过错分担现值损失。

尽管A公司在与B公司签订《租赁合同》时向B公司披露“该房屋没有产权证”,但并未向B公司透露涉案房屋及庭院属于超范围临时建筑的事实。到期日,导致B公司产生长租心态。 基于这样的期望,投入了大量资金对房屋庭院进行修缮和室内装修。 因此,造成《租赁合同》无效的主要过错在于A公司,A公司应对上述合同无效造成的损失承担主要责任。 ,B公司承担次要责任。


房屋租赁合同无效的原因有很多。 司法实践中,常见的案例是未取得建设工程规划许可证或未经批准建设的临时建筑签订的房屋租赁合同。 尤其是如果双方约定租赁用途为商业用途,而承租人租赁后又对房屋进行装修,装修损失的赔偿往往成为纠纷发生后双方纠纷的焦点。 出租人不同意使用装修的,双方按照造成合同无效的过错分担损失。 双方过错比例的确定应根据具体情况确定。 但如无特别约定或特殊情况,应视为出租人的过错大于承租人的过错,出租人应对装修损失承担主要责任。 其次,关于装修损失的认定,房屋租赁合同无效时,出租人和承租人关于租赁期限的约定也无效。 因此,装修费用不能按照合同规定的租赁期限来分摊。 出租人和承租人发生纠纷时,应按现有装饰物评估工程价,并按装饰附着物现值分摊损失。




2016年10月8日,刘某与A公司签订《店铺租赁合同》,约定刘某向A公司租赁1号店铺,用于餐饮用途。 租赁期为2016年11月22日至2021年8月9日,其中免租期为45天。 2017年4月,刘某向A公司邮寄书面《终止合同通知书》,称因A公司迟迟未能办理消防等相关验收手续,且无法提供有效证明,无法申请办理营业执照,导致店铺至今未能如期开业,需解除店铺租赁合同。 A公司于4月17日签收,刘起诉法院确认解除商铺租赁合同,并要求A公司赔偿装修费等各项损失。 本案争议焦点为A公司是否违约以及刘某是否有权解除合同。


虽然双方在合同中并未约定A公司有义务提供协助刘某办理营业执照的相关材料及协助时间,但双方合同标的物均为店铺,且合同中还注明其目的是从事餐饮,A公司对此是完全清楚的。 的。 领取营业执照、开业是刘某签订合同的目的。 A公司有义务在合理期限内提供相关材料,协助刘先生申请营业执照。 关于协助办理营业执照的合理期限,双方于2016年10月8日签订合同,并约定租金自2016年11月22日起计算收取。因此,承租人签订合同后,可以做好开业前的准备工作,包括装修等,就本案而言,招聘员工、办理开业所需手续,可视为合同规定的租赁开始日之前的合理期限,否则刘某就实现了合同的目的将会受到影响。

双方合同签订后,刘某多次要求A公司提供相关材料,协助其办理营业执照。 但截至2017年4月,刘某提起诉讼时,A公司仍未能提供申请营业执照所需的相关材料。 承租人开始使用之日起五个月后,A公司的行为导致刘某无法实现合同目的。 刘某作为非违约方,有权依法解除合同。


首先,如果房屋是出租用于商铺的,租赁合同中也明确规定,所租房屋用于餐饮等需要在房屋内办理营业执照的用途。 即使租赁合同没有约定协助办理营业执照的义务,出租人仍有义务协助承租人办理营业执照,出租人有义务协助承租人办理营业执照。营业执照是出租人的附带义务。 出租人违反附带义务,导致承租人无法实现合同目的的,承租人有法定解除合同的权利。 其次,为了避免纠纷,督促出租人履行义务,双方应在合同中约定办理营业执照的期限。 没有约定履行期限的,应当根据合同履行情况、租赁目的、合同目的等确定合理期限。




2015年7月,韩某与王某签订《房屋租赁合同》,约定韩某将1915号商务楼出租给王某办公使用,租赁期限为2015年7月20日至2016年7月19日。租金为每月3050元。 王某需要办理营业执照,韩某应配合办理手续。 合同终止后,王某应在1个月内搬出或者解除合同。 7月28日,王某在1915号房屋注册了A公司,法定代表人为巴某。

10月20日,王某与韩某同意解除合同。 合同终止后,王某始终没有搬出公司注册地址1915号房屋,1915号房屋一直空置。 现韩某向法院提起诉讼,要求王某按照租金标准赔偿损失。 王某于2015年7月15日提交了A公司的委托书,证明王某受A公司委托与韩某签订了房屋租赁合同。 因此,A公司应当承担违约责任。 现联系不上A公司,因此注册地址无法迁出。 双方争议的焦点是,因A公司注册地址未搬出,王某是否应当赔偿损失,以及损失赔偿的标准。


王某称,其是受A公司委托签订《房屋租赁合同》的,不应承担违约责任。 王某未提供证据证明其在签订房屋租赁合同时向韩某透露自己是受A公司委托租赁该房屋。 王某无法证明韩某在签订《房屋租赁合同》时知晓此事,王某应作为《房屋租赁合同》的主体承担相应的责任。 王某未在《房屋租赁合同》规定的期限内搬出A公司工商登记,未履行《房屋租赁合同》的规定,给韩某造成损失,应承担赔偿责任。

《房屋租赁合同》确定的租金标准约为每天100元,韩某要求按照该标准支付违约金。 违约金的确定考虑以下两个因素:

第一,一方违约后,另一方应当采取适当措施,防止损失扩大; 未采取适当措施导致损失扩大的,对方不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿。 王某违约后,韩某应采取适当措施减少损失,如适当降低房屋价格出租,而不是在判决作出前将房屋空置。 韩某未采取适当措施,导致损失扩大的,不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿;

其次,能否取得营业执照只是房屋出租时收入能力考虑的一部分。 主要考虑的是承租人对房屋的占有和使用情况。 《房屋租赁合同》确定的租金标准应当包括房屋出租时的全部收益权利,即房屋的占有和营业执照的申请。 考虑到违约责任的补偿性和惩罚性,法院判决王某按每天50元的标准支付。 补偿韩的损失。


首先,租赁合同到期或终止后,如果工商注册地址没有搬出,商铺的租金收入会受到一定的影响。 因此,对于需要对房屋办理工商登记的,应在合同中明确租赁合同终止后迁出工商登记地址的责任条款。 承租人也应遵循诚实信用原则,按时搬出登记地址,否则应赔偿出租人的损失; 租赁合同期满后注册地址仍未搬出的,出租人应积极采取措施,避免损失扩大。

二、如果公司委托承租人与出租人签订房屋租赁合同,租赁房屋后又对房屋办理工商登记,根据合同相对性原则,发生纠纷后,承租人可以向承租人提起诉讼。应提供证据证明出租人是否了解该租赁。 承租人不能证明出租人知晓承租人与公司之间的委托关系的,由承租人承担责任。 因此,如果您受公司等第三方委托与出租人签订房屋租赁合同,应充分评估风险,避免一旦发生纠纷给自己造成损失。




2004年5月26日,A公司与B公司签订了《房屋、土地租赁合同》,约定B公司租赁A公司拥有的涉案房屋、土地,期限为2004年6月1日至6月1日。 2024年,租金总额300万元。 (租约到期后,如果A公司未清偿B公司债务,租约将自动续展20年,租金仍为300万元)。 土地及其以上地面在租赁期内不得出售。 房屋。 土地、厂房产权变更,不影响租赁权的有效性。 因A公司欠案外人债务,案外人申请强制执行A​​公司财产,法院依法拍卖了涉案房屋。 2016年1月18日,李某通过淘宝司法拍卖网络平台以最高价竞得涉案房屋、土地,并要求B公司腾出涉案房屋。 B公司以与A公司签订的房屋租赁合同租赁期限尚未届满为由。 根据出售不解除租赁的原则,李某应继续履行租赁合同直至租赁期满。 李某认为,该房屋、土地租赁合同系甲公司与乙公司恶意串通,双方不存在真正的债权关系。 房屋、土地租赁合同虽名为房屋、土地租赁合同,但实际上是偿还债务合同,不能适用不违约买卖原则。


2002年至2004年,B公司向A公司转让共计1110万元,现有证据不足以证明《房屋土地租赁合同》存在恶意串通损害第三人利益、串谋制造虚假信息的行为。意思表示,或者其他无效情形,法院确认《房屋土地租赁合同》有效。 关于《房屋土地租赁合同》的性质,合同中记载的以房地产使用权抵偿债务的内容,只是对租金支付方式的特殊约定,不影响房屋土地租赁合同的性质。合同作为租赁合同。 裁定李某继续履行B公司与A公司签订的《房屋土地租赁合同》有效期至2024年5月31日。


租赁合同是出租人将租赁物交付承租人使用和收益,承租人支付租金的合同。 在以房地产使用权抵偿债务的合同中,首先要审查双方是否存在真实的债权债务关系,是否存在恶意串通损害第三人利益的情况。 如果双方存在真正的债权债务关系,通过签订以房产使用权抵偿债务的合同,承租人取得房屋使用权,出租人收取租金,清偿债务只是一个过程。对租金支付方式进行专门约定,符合房屋租赁合同的特点。 根据合同法规定,租赁期间租赁物所有权发生变化的,不影响租赁合同的效力。 买卖、竞买时,需充分了解标的物的相关权利状况,避免因对合同性质的误解而造成利润损失。



2017年以来,门头沟法院共受理房屋租赁案件697件,其中涉及经营性房屋租赁合同纠纷294件。 受理案件数量逐年增加。 大约61%的此类案件已通过判决结案。 案件涉案标的大、调解难度大。 与普通案件相比,该类案件呈现以下特点:

1、承租人主要提起诉讼,出租人提起反诉较多。 在经营性房屋租赁合同中,承租人的主要合同义务是支付租金,通常按季或按年支付; 出租人的主要合同义务是交付租赁房屋。 当双方在履行租赁合同过程中发生纠纷且无法协商解决时,承租人往往会停止经营并搬出租赁房屋,诉诸解除合同,并要求出租人返还多付的费用。租。 对此,出租人往往认为承租人尚未正式办理休假手续,且租赁房屋内仍有承租人的财物,或要求继续履行合同,或同意解除合同,但要求承租人支付拖欠的房租、水电费和物业费等费用。

2.主体法律地位平等但实际地位不平衡。 这种情况下的承租人要么是自然人,要么是企业,而出租人主要是企业。 在某些情况下,出租人是专门从事房屋租赁的经纪机构。 基于公司的法人特征,自然人在合同的签订和履行过程中容易受到出租人的制约,导致双方实际地位的失衡。 即使在企业之间的租赁合同中,也会因出租人的合同支配地位而产生实际地位的差异。 这种状态不平衡在合同开始时就出现了。 双方签订的合同大部分是出租人签发的格式合同。 承租人一般只能同意合同中包含的全部内容,而出租人在某些格式合同下的责任明显低于承租人。

3、商品房租赁合同纠纷案件调解撤诉率较低。 此类案件双方当事人均具有一定的诉讼能力,对通过诉讼解决纠纷持谨慎态度。 大多数他们被告上法庭的案件都无法自行协商。 双方对合同解除过程中出现的解除合同时间、实际腾出时间等问题存在异议。 他们甚至对租赁范围、租金标准等合同内容提出异议。 但经营租赁房的租金标准高、金额大。 双方的抱怨针锋相对。 此类案件通常很难达成双方都能认可的调解意见,因此此类案件的调解和撤诉率较低。



1、合同终止后承租人的装修损失由谁承担? 承租人出租房屋用于商业经营。 无论是从事餐厅、酒店还是超市经营,都会根据经营的需要对租赁的房屋进行装修。 有些是附着在房子上的装饰品,俗称不能带走的装饰品。 它是一种可移动的装饰品。

租赁合同终止时,承租人可以向出租人主张损害赔偿。 The lessor will argue that it does not know about the lessee's decoration matters, and that the decoration of the leased house is an operating cost that the lessee should bear by itself, which is inconsistent with the lessor. Party has nothing to do with it. If the lessee decorates without the lessor's consent, the lessee shall bear the decoration costs; if the lease contract clearly stipulates the decoration matters, it shall be handled in accordance with the contract; but if the contract does not clearly stipulate, and the lease contract is terminated abnormally , then it is necessary to determine the ownership and compensation of decoration according to whether both parties are at fault for the termination of the contract.

2. Is it a violation of the contract to fail to provide the materials required to apply for a business license? In disputes over commercial housing lease contracts, the lessee needs to apply for a business license required to engage in business activities, but the contract only stipulates that the purpose of the lease is commercial operations, and does not stipulate that the lessor has the obligation to apply for a business license for the lessee, nor does it make it clear It is agreed that the lessor shall provide the materials required to apply for a business license.

In some cases where the lessee sued to terminate the lease contract, the reason for the termination was that the lessor was unable to provide the materials required to apply for a business license, resulting in the inability to achieve the purpose of the contract. The lessor believes that it has no contractual obligation to cooperate with the application for a business license and has not breached the contract. During the performance of the lease contract, the lessee has been operating normally without a business license and has not been unable to achieve the purpose of the contract. Therefore, Do not agree to terminate the contract. What is clear is that in a commercial house leasing contract, the lessor has an incidental obligation to provide the materials required to apply for a business license. However, whether the failure to apply for a business license will inevitably lead to the failure to achieve the purpose of the contract needs to be analyzed and determined in specific cases.

3. Specific determination of the nature of the legal relationship of the lease contract. Clarifying the nature of the legal relationship of the case is the basis for hearing the case. A contract signed by both parties in the name of "lease" does not necessarily belong to the legal relationship of a lease contract. A contract that does not appear with the word "lease" may belong to the legal relationship of a lease contract and should be stipulated in the contract. based on the main rights and obligations to determine whether it complies with the basic characteristics of a certain legal relationship. The determination of the legal relationship of a lease contract is not only limited to the handling of contract-related matters involved in the case, but also involves the subsequent application of "sales do not break the lease".

In some cases, one party believes that what the two parties signed is not a lease contract, but a joint venture contract, a contract to use the right to use real estate to offset debts, etc., while the other party insists that the contract is a lease contract. In this regard, we should start from the characteristics of the lease contract to see whether the lessor delivers the leased property to the lessee for use and income, whether the lessee pays rent, whether there is an agreement on joint venture between the two parties, whether there is a real creditor's rights and debts relationship, and finally Make a determination of the nature of the contract.

4. The issue of liability for failure to perform the contract due to the epidemic. Compared with residential rental housing, operational rental housing has been more obviously affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. The focus of disputes in cases involving epidemic-related commercial housing lease contracts mainly focuses on whether the epidemic prevention and control measures have caused the lessee to be unable to use the house normally, and whether the lessee can claim for rent reduction or reduction or request to terminate the lease contract on the grounds of force majeure or change of circumstances.

Most lessees believe that the epidemic prevention and control measures have made their operations unsustainable and cannot achieve the purpose of the contract, so they request to terminate the lease contract. If the lease cannot be terminated, the rent should be reduced or reduced. The lessor believes that although its business activities have been affected to a certain extent, it has not reached the level of being unable to perform the contract, so it does not agree to terminate the contract and is hesitant to reduce or reduce rents. Even if both parties agree to negotiate the rent amount, they cannot reach an agreement because the rental houses are mostly located in core business districts and the rent standards are high and the amounts are large. Whether commercial housing lease contract disputes can be properly handled and resolved is directly related to the stability of production and office space of market operators, the normal development of business operations and the steady restoration of economic order. It is of great concern. The Supreme People's Court has issued relevant opinions to provide guidance. In the individual handling of such cases, while balancing the interests of the parties under the legal provisions, more attention should be paid to the unification of legal effects and social effects.

3. Measures and Suggestions

In view of the characteristics and existing problems of commercial housing lease contract dispute cases, the Mentougou Court properly handles disputes from the following aspects:

1. Uphold national laws, regulations and related policies, and protect the legitimate rights of parties in accordance with the law. When determining the issue of contract termination, we must adhere to the principles of safeguarding national laws, regulations and related policies, and protecting the legitimate rights of the parties in accordance with the law. First, it is determined that the lease contract concluded between the lessor and the lessee for a house that has not obtained a construction project planning permit or has not been constructed in accordance with the construction project planning permit is invalid, ensuring that the trial thinking is consistent with the guidance of relevant national macro-control policies. Secondly, regarding the legal consequences after the contract is invalid, the faults of both parties should be comprehensively considered to deal with issues such as house occupation fees and loss compensation.

2. Use legal propaganda to guide all parties to rationally safeguard their rights. The first is to expand the openness and transparency of court hearings, invite people's congress representatives, community owners, etc. to observe case hearings, strengthen the interpretation and reasoning of judgment documents, and remind lessors and lessees to strengthen their awareness of norms; the second is to make full use of radio, newspapers, television, the Internet, etc. Traditional media, as well as new media such as WeChat, Weibo, and public accounts, use the form of online live broadcasts, special reports, case analysis, law interpretation and Q&A, etc. to carry out explanations of leasing-related laws and regulations, new policies, and notification of typical cases; the third is to use legal popularization lectures Promote relevant legal knowledge to lessees through methods such as , promotional showcases, and production and distribution of promotional materials.

3. Strengthen information linkage with the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and other departments. House leasing falls within the scope of management of real estate transaction activities. The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee is the main department that supervises and manages the real estate market and regulates market order. It has the best understanding of policies related to house leasing and also has the specific situation of regional house leasing. The Mentougou Court will strengthen communication and interaction with the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, the Industrial and Commercial Administration Department, the Price Bureau and other departments through judicial suggestions, communication and coordination meetings, etc., so as to strengthen the order of the rental market, the supervision of enterprise registration and operation, and promote the health of the commercial housing rental market develop.

At the same time, the following suggestions are made for lessees and lessors.

●Recommended lessee:

First, the duty of prudent care should be exercised. Before signing a contract, relevant materials such as the ownership of the leased house, the nature of the land and the nature of the leased house should be reviewed first. In order to lay a good foundation for trust and cooperation, you should not rely on the lessor's statements. You should actually check the relevant written documents to avoid any misunderstandings. Illegal subletting, the nature of the land being industrial land, the inability to provide the materials required to apply for a business license, etc., render the contract invalid or unable to continue to be performed.

Second, determine the contract terms after full consideration. The content of the contract is not only the basis for the performance of the contract, but also the basis for resolving disputes. In addition to the standard terms provided by the lessor, a supplementary agreement must be signed to cooperate with the application of business licenses, decoration and other important matters. If there are problems with the performance of the contract, the rights will be affected. It is also easier to defend rights against infringement.

Third, plan investment behavior carefully. Investments in housing should comply with legal provisions. Although the investment cost of houses that are rented for sale or that change the nature of the land is relatively low, the risks are relatively high. After renting, the property may not be able to be used or may continue to be rented to realize the expected benefits. In the end, the gain outweighs the loss.

●Recommended lessor:

First, the rental behavior should comply with the provisions of the law. The "Contract Law" and Beijing's "Notice on Accelerating the Development and Standardizing the Administration of the City's Housing Leasing Market" clearly stipulate the rental business behavior, and the "Supreme People's Court's Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in the Trial of Urban Housing Leasing Contract Disputes" " provides detailed guidance on the resolution of disputes arising from leasing activities. The lessor should strictly implement the provisions of laws, regulations and judicial interpretations. The contract's stipulations on the use of the house and the lease period should not violate the clear provisions of laws and regulations.

Second, establish a sense of integrity in business operations. Lessors, especially enterprises engaged in leasing, should establish a sense of integrity in business operations and the spirit of abiding by contracts, strictly perform the contract, and should not conceal the nature of land use and leased housing from the lessee, and avoid arbitrarily changing contract terms or the subject of the contract.

Third, prevent business risks. Enterprises leasing, especially when leasing to many lessees, should carefully evaluate their own leasing behavior and risks, reasonably plan the use of funds, and set aside a certain amount of funds to deal with various disputes that arise during leasing.